嘿,各位侦探迷们!是不是又在为下一次的破案行动摩拳擦掌了?今天,咱们就来聊聊《硬核侦探》这款游戏中的经典案件,带你一步步揭开每个谜团的面纱!从第4天的Ronnie Moore谋杀案,到第105天The Church的毒品制造案,每一个案件都充满了挑战与惊喜。不仅如此,还有那些让人紧张得屏住呼吸的瞬间,比如第62天的双杀案和第166天的恐怖袭击案,每一次调查都像是在刀尖上跳舞。准备好跟着我一起深入这些错综复杂的案件了吗?让我们开始吧!
Day 4 - Homicide - Ronnie Moore
Day 5 - Robbery - City Center
Day 9 - Arson - The Last Picture Show Theater
Day 13 - Hit and Run - City Center
Day 16 - Theft - Museum of Feelings and fine Art
Day 21 - Theft - St. John's Hospital
Day 23 - Homicide - Fiona Kaylis
Day 59 - Drug Sales - King Lewis Night Club
Day 62 - Double Homicide - Every Day Mall
Day 66 - Arson - Freeburg Birth Control Union
Day 73 - Homicide - Edgar Sanchez
Day 84 - Abduction - Desire Park
Day 90 - Attempted Carjacking - FurFur Store
Day 94 - Missing Person - Suburb
Day 100 - Child Molestation - St. John's Cathedral
Day 7 - The Red Masks - Receiving stolen property
Day 7-9 - The Red Masks - Sale of stolen goods
Day 60-62 - Atala - Drug Posession
Day 62-67 - Atala - Drug Trafficking
Day 24 - The Sands - Hit and Run
Day 59-62 - The Sands - Theft
Day 66-71 - The Sands - Extortion and Assault
Day 73-75 - The Sands - Abduction
Day 75-78 - The Sands - Homicide
Day 93-94 - Keylesses - Carjacking
Day 94-96 - Keylesses - Receiving Stolen Property
Day 97-99 - Keylesses - Smuggling
Day 103-105 - The Church - Drug Possession
Day 156-158 - The Church - Drug Manufacturing
Day 161-163 - The Snow Warriors - Homicide
Day 164-166 - The Snow Warriors - Abuction
Day 166-168 - The Snow Warriors - Terrorism